Ohayou gozaimasu, minasan~~! (Good morning everyone~~!)
Well, it's morning for me. If it's afternoon/evening for you then...
Good afternoon/evening :D.... LOL
So, I'm actually still waiting for my packages TnT.
But one of the etsy sellers, they came back from the holidays (Chinese New Year thing) and still hasn't sent me my package or gave me any notice about it. As soon as this post is done, I'm going to see if they got my order :3
More After the Cut:
If they didn't....................RAAAAAAAAAH D:<
They gon' get it D:<
One of my best friends (although it's an online best friend) came back from Vietnam after about two years. I'm so excited! We can talk more often now c:. ~(Optional to read. LOL) When I met her, my life actually changed. I used to curse so much but then I stopped after meeting her! It just got more fun than cursing I guess. I've known her for abut 4-6(? Probably about 5-ish c:) years now. I actually met her through MapleStory LOLOL. Yes, I'm a MapleStory freak sometimes so ;_; Sh!! D:< ~
Anyways, I should actually try to make this blog a bit more...gyaru-ish? I was actually aiming for this to be a bit gyaru but a bit of my life too... So...~
I got a pair of lenses all the way in August and just opened it a couple weeks ago and just work it a few days ago. It's GEO's Cm-834 2-tone brown! ^_^
Yees, I got to get myself some new lashes, so please forgive me this time! ♥
It looks just like my grey lenses from way back then! It was my favourite pair and I decided to try GEO's version of it. |
Here's what my grey lenses looked like from back then. In certain light, it looked blue. Weird huh? XDD!
Tch. I miss them T_T.
Anyways, the previous photos, with my brown lenses. They weren't that comfortable as I remember GEO was. I guess I got so used to EOS that it was more comfortable. But for many others, GEO is waaay better :P.
The brown lenses are 14.0mm and the grey were 14.5mm.
I don't remember if I posted about this yet, but I've been really wanting to do my hair like this for my boyfriend's prom this year!
Click here for a bigger picture |
Sorry about the long post! D: . I haven't blogged much lately so... kind of makes up for it. Right? :3
Have a great day/good night lovelies ♥ c: .
You're so pretty with those lenses!!